Monday, December 19, 2011

Jason's College Graduation Dec. 17, 2011

So, my heart swells with pride as I announce the graduation from Columbia College of my husband Jason A. Johnson.  The ceremony was December 17, 2011, in Columbia, Missouri.  He graduated with a Bachelor of Science with a dual emphasis major of International Business and Marketing. He has worked very hard for this, not only schooling full-time online, but also working full-time at Orscheln Farm & Home RSC, being a husband and a father, a friend who will cut your hair anytime you need it, going to his daughter and son's school events, fulfilling his church callings...the list goes on. I'm posting a couple pictures and some short video clips.  Hope you all enjoy.  (You can also see these on my Facebook page if you have access, etc.)

Torey was the family videographer and I did most of the photographs.  Some were from peoples phones, too.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Moberly Hershey's Track Meet

Torey participated in our yearly Hershey's Track Meet yesterday.  She was the only one in her age group and events, so she automatically advances to the State Meet in Jefferson City in June, but she still had to run her events.  She ran the 1600m and 800m - had to run with the boys because she was the only girl - but she posted good times.  1600 was 8:01 and her 800 was 3:25.  She also participated in the softball throw which she got eighth in state last year.  Her distance was 86.11 ft.  Here's a picture of her holding her ribbons.

She promises to train hard this year for state (she didn't train at all last year for her sprints) since she's doing distance runs.  Of course we'll keep you updated on all that.

Good Job Torey!!!  We're proud of you and love you!!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Hope everyone has a happy Easter and we love and miss you all.  Here is our attempts at Easter colors.  Jason in his pink shirt and purple tie, Torey's new orange and white paisley dress, Ethan in his new blue pin stripe vest and church ensemble, and me in my salmon-color shirt. 

After Church, getting ready to eat ham, mashed potatoes and some veggies.

We sang in the church choir and participated in the Easter program during Sacrament meeting.  The message was wonderful and the music only added to the feeling of appreciation for our Savior.  Again, Happy Easter Everyone!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A litte slow in updating the blog...

It's been mentioned that we don't keep up the blog the way I promised I would, so to make amends, and since it's spring break for me (Sara), I'm going to make a few posts on here to make up for the few and far between ones that I have been doing.

Where to start.  While the big storm was here, we spent our time doing indoor stuff...reading, coloring, watching lots of tv, doing homework.  We played in the snow a little too. But by the end of the snow days, things looked a lot like this...

So, then everyone went back to school and things got back to normal.  Homework, church, work, with an occassional fun activity inbetween.  The youth group went roller skating with two other wards.  Torey and DJ (nephew) had a good time.  Made the roller skates we bought for Torey last summer seem worth it now. lol

Ethan keeps growing out of his clothes, so we just recently bought him some new church pants and shirts.  Here he models for everyone.  Isn't he HANDSOME!

Jason recently made a Spring break trip to NY to buy and bring back his brother Matt's motorcycle.  He had been dancing around the house in anticipation for weeks.  And finally, it's here.  He's given the kids some rides, and when it warms up, even my mother has asked for a ride.

So, here it is spring break for me, weather is slowly starting to warm up, we all are seeing a light at the end of this dark school year tunnel...and summer activities are starting to look appealing.
This is a very shortened version of what's been happening...more to come.  Promise.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Oh, The Weather Outside is Frightful...Delightful

So, the Moberly Blizzard of 2011 is over and we are dealing with the aftermath of the storm. lol.  We were stuck inside for pretty much a solid 48 hours (part of monday thru late morning wednesday) and the kids haven't really had any school this week. (it was late start monday meaning they started respectively at 8 and 9 instead of 7 and 8am, and school let out at noon and one the same day in anticipation of the storm).  Jason laughs at this stuff, scoffing at the snow, because of his upstate NY upbringing I guess.  I love it.  Except the part where the kids drive me nuts and tell me they are cold.  lol. 

So when the storm was all said and done and the sun came up on Wednesday morning, we had received almost 2 ft of snow in about 36 hours.  That's huge for Missouri I guess, I really don't know.  But it's enough to shut down Jason's work and allow him to stay home for two days in a row with the kids.  However, now he has to work on Saturday to make up for one of those days, so he's still not happy. lol.

Here are some pictures of our snow.  At least what I could take from one foot, standing inside the back or front door.

 One foot? might ask...well yes, one foot.  I was going out Monday morning, to get people to school, and as soon as I stepped down onto the first step outside my backdoor, I slipped and fell and landed on my right foot all wrong.  The icy rain had already started by 8am Monday morning...and I guess I took for granted my two year old shoes and their traction, and boom, just went right down into the slush and left over snow from last week.  I knew immediately I had hurt it.  Needless to say, by the time I got the kids to school and got to the doctor for x-rays, my foot was numb and tingling.

But, to save you from all the inbetween drama...I'm going to be fine.  They said it wasn't I stayed off of it for two days straight, making my kids and hubby wait on me, and when I woke up wednesday morning...I could finally hobble around the house unassisted again.  I think that by next week, I'll be walking almost normal again.  My dreams of running like the wind might be put on hold for a few more I'll be back to full strength mode again soon.

So if you look at this picture...those little lights in the background represent Jason's work.  Somewhere inbetween is highway 63, but this is the sunrise winter scene from last week (end of Jan.) as I pulled out of the high school parking lot. 

Until later...signing out.  Maybe I'll have video next time. lol