Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A litte slow in updating the blog...

It's been mentioned that we don't keep up the blog the way I promised I would, so to make amends, and since it's spring break for me (Sara), I'm going to make a few posts on here to make up for the few and far between ones that I have been doing.

Where to start.  While the big storm was here, we spent our time doing indoor stuff...reading, coloring, watching lots of tv, doing homework.  We played in the snow a little too. But by the end of the snow days, things looked a lot like this...

So, then everyone went back to school and things got back to normal.  Homework, church, work, with an occassional fun activity inbetween.  The youth group went roller skating with two other wards.  Torey and DJ (nephew) had a good time.  Made the roller skates we bought for Torey last summer seem worth it now. lol

Ethan keeps growing out of his clothes, so we just recently bought him some new church pants and shirts.  Here he models for everyone.  Isn't he HANDSOME!

Jason recently made a Spring break trip to NY to buy and bring back his brother Matt's motorcycle.  He had been dancing around the house in anticipation for weeks.  And finally, it's here.  He's given the kids some rides, and when it warms up, even my mother has asked for a ride.

So, here it is spring break for me, weather is slowly starting to warm up, we all are seeing a light at the end of this dark school year tunnel...and summer activities are starting to look appealing.
This is a very shortened version of what's been happening...more to come.  Promise.

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