We went out on Thursday because it was a beautiful day and the kids got out of school early, and because I didn't have to work and we just took all kinds of pictures. They came out pretty good!! Thought we'd share a
few with everyone.
Here's a link to my Walmart Photo Album where you can see them all. Just click on the link. http://photos.walmart.com/walmart/thumbnailshare/AlbumID=4238289004/a=3579552_3579552/otsc=SHR/otsi=SALBlink/COBRAND_NAME=walmart/
Also, since I last wrote, Hannah has moved back home home in Paris, MO, and DJ has moved in with us. Hannah is getting ready to fly to NY to stay with Adam and Emily and help with all the kiddos, and DJ is staying with us while his mom is away for 5 or 6 months. We'll miss Hannah. Having DJ is going to be awesome though...He's such cool teenager. Not your typical...really a joy to be around and sometimes I forget that he's only 14 (in a good way!) Never a dull moment.
For Halloween, Ethan is batman and Torey is Cleopatra or an Egyptian princess...that's what she says. I'll take pictures on Halloween and post them. Also, Jason and a friend of his dressed up as Wayne and Garth from Waynes World. They did a great job getting things together. It's been funny watching the transitions. I'll post pictures of them too if I can get them together again.
Next up, Thanksgiving and the Kent Turkey Derby (5k Run/Walk). This will be our first annual Kent Family 5k. We'll start at the Kent Homestead and some will walk and some will run/jog. It will be a good way to get the metabolism rolling for the Turkey to follow.
Ethan and Torey are signed up for basketball leagues. Ethan's are the next three Saturday's, two games a day and he's done the week before thanksgiving. Torey will start after Thanksgiving and go through January sometime. We'll post pics of those games too.
All in all, we're still moving along. Move along, move along...just to make it though. lol. We'll write again soon.
Hannah and DJ |
Hannah Elizabeth Johnson - 18 |
Having fun at the park on a beautiful Thursday! |
Torey, DJ, and Hannah |
Torey and Hannah |
I believe I can fly! |
Torey Lee Rasmussen |
Torey - age 12 |
Torey Lee |
Donald J. Williams III - nephew power! |
My babies!!! |
Ethan and Torey |
Ethan Johnson...innocent...not! |
So cute! Ethan |
The crazy Ethan (Herman) we all know and Love! |
Ethan, age 7 |
Torey, DJ, Hannah, and Ethan |
DJ, Ethan, Hannah, and Torey |
DJ, Ethan, and Torey |
Ethan, DJ, and Torey |
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