Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Update for Now...6/5/11

So, since the Hershey's track meet at the end of April, things have been hectic.  Travels across this great country of ours, finals, graduations, awards assemblies, etc.  Let's just say, I was hoping June would bring peace and quiet and relaxation, but....NO.

May took Jason and myself to Utah for Jacqui's wedding in the St. George temple.  It was a fun trip, just Jason, me and Andy (step bro) smashed in the civic, driving 19 hours to the sweltering flats of the deserts of St. George.  We had a lot of time in the car to talk about spiritual matters, take pictures out the windows of the scenery, having "music released in what year" guessing contests for pushups and fondas...(see video) and to sleep.  We took turns driving until we ran out of gas (got down to a quarter of a tank ish) and then we'd switch.  Here are some pictures and a short video. lol

Then, we we got back from Utah, we went right into finals...both Jason and I.  For me, they were my last finals for I don't know how long, but it puts me in the "I have two associate degrees...and I still don't know what I want to do with myself" spot.  Graphic Art Technology and Business & Office - Executive Emphasis.  I am hesitant to do any major job searching, because I would hate to find my dream job, lol, and then have to move when Jason finds his.  So Jason, at this point, has three classes left.  One during the summer and then two more from Aug to the middle of Oct.  Then he gets to walk in the December graduation at Columbia College, with a double major in International Business & Marketing.  He doesn't know what his dream job is, but he does dream about being done and getting out of the Orscheln warehouse.

Oh, I almost forgot the funny video about pushups and fondas...it'll explain:

Back to the story...so, after finals, people started having awards assemblies at school, graduating, and all that jazz.  Torey's report card looks great, 5 As and a B+ and a B.  Not too shabby, she knows what to expect from Junior high, and even though we told her we were proud of her, she says she'll do better next year.  She will have a full plate next year.  She has decided to play on the middle school softball team, and the basketball team.  One is in the fall, and the other is in the winter.  She said she'll decide about track when Spring gets here.  We'll see how that goes.

Then, our niece, Chelsea, graduated from high school.  She actually was done with school right before Christmas because of her credits and such, but came back to walk with the rest of her class.  She has been working hard at Taco Bell for a year and a half now, and unfortunately, has totaled the car we helped her buy.  But she is excited about college.  She went to Utah for the wedding too, and came back re-dedicated and ready to start working on her future.  We are so proud and love her so much.  She really is an awesome girl!

Now that school is out, Ethan and Torey have the usual summer fever. They can't seem to sleep in yet, but I'm getting them to work on that. Torey is getting ready to go to her first church girls camp this coming week (Jun 7-10), and she's excited.  I'm sure she won't think that when it's hot and sweaty or raining, and she has to sleep in a sleeping back on the ground in a smelling church scout tent, but she's excited to go, let's put it that way. Torey has softball practice twice a week and games twice a week, and she also has basketball open gym three days a week in the morning. She is a busy girl. But I am hoping it will solve the "I'm bored" disease that usually happens one week into summer break. lol

Ethan passed 1st grade of course, but he struggled there at the end with some math and following orders.  He promises to work on it over the summer (with my help of course) and we are also going to be boosting the reading levels too. 

Bike riding is going to be a main mode of transportation, since gas is high.  Torey's bike was recently stolen, but since Jason hardly rides his bicycle, she'll work the squeaks out of it for him.

Jason has started his tradition of Saturday morning athletics back up.  In the late fall/early winter (late Sept - Thanksgiving and maybe a few in Dec) its touch football, in the spring and summer it's soccer.  There is usually a month or two or three off from Dec to April, but then soccer becomes the stuff that Saturday mornings are made of.  We are also getting ready to start up a volleyball night at church (Jason is athletic director of sorts) and so I am looking forward to that.  You don't have to run to do that sport...much.

Jason, Torey and I will also be trying to participate in the Moberly Community Band this summer.  The band director has a tuba he's going to let Jason borrow for the summer, I recently was able to get my flute working, and Torey will of course play her clarinet.  She ended the school year as first chair.  He let the kids battle and challenge each other right up until the second to last day of school but she was able to hold on...winning her final challenge and doing awesome on her playing test.  I'm going to transpose some music so that Torey and I can play some hymns and stuff together over summer break.  It should be fun.  I'm also going to attempt to teach Ethan some piano basics.  That's about all I know anyway.

Well, besides being up to date on the most recent movies in the theater, that's about all I have right now.  I am sure I am leaving out something, but for 12:58am, that's what you get.  We all have to get up to be at church an hour early for choir practice, so I'm off to bed.  Love you all!!!