Sunday, August 29, 2010

What we do when we're bored...

So we were bored and started playing around the other night and Ethan became our object of entertainment...somehow we got onto the Tom Cruise "Risky Business" theme and here is Ethan's attempt at an impersonation.
School Updates:
Torey's locker gave her some problems at the beginning of the week, but it got better as the days progressed.  That was the one thing that she said she didn't like about school.  I think now that we have the locker conquered...she'll find something else to not like.  But isn't that how Middle school kids are anyway?
Ethan's experience has also improved.  He's a little more confident and hasn't had any major bathroom issues since the first day.  At least not at school.  He's got a pep in his step and comes through the door after school with a smile.  Does a parent's heart good to see their little boy happy after a day of 1st grade.
Jason is into his school groove finally, realizing that he's on his final chapter...which makes this last 8 months a little easier to tolerate.  I am still trying to get my schedule calmed down and smoothed out, but all and all, we'll survive.

The weather has been a little cooler and the oncoming forcast shows some cooling temperatures, which we are looking forward to.

Upcoming events:
Sept 4th -Torey's   first Temple Trip.  She'll get to do baptisms.  We are going to Nauvoo, IL.
Ethan's birthday is Sept. 12th and he'll be 7 years old.  (How time flies)
My 15 year high school class reunion is at the end of Sept.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Kids First Day of School 8/24/2010

...the alarm goes off early...ugh...have to get up...why?....oh yah, first day of school!  Torey comes running through the house to my room.  "Mom, I'm up!  I got up with my alarm mom!" and then runs off again to get ready. Here we are, this is what I had been waiting for...routine, schedules, getting the kids off to school again.  I think I always dream like doing all that is an easy thing, and then I awake and the GRIND continues. lol. 

Torey has to get up an hour earlier this year. 6am instead of 7am to get ready.  She has to be at school between 7:05 and 7:30.  The bus comes at like 6:30 or something crazy like that, so I'm just taking her to school this year. I'll probably trade off with my sister Tawnee who's kids have to be there at the same time.

She was excited yesterday to get there.  She had her outfit picked out and her lunch made and was just practically bouncing off the walls.  Alex and Alyssa Delp walked over and we took them to school on the first day too!
So I dropped them off...was doing so well with the emotional aspect of the fact that my baby girl was starting Junior High/Middle School, that I was old enough to have a daughter in Middle School...and then I saw boys watching her as she walked in the school...and then I had a very slight breakdown.  Just a few tears, but definately some lack of breath/breathing issues.  Sad. I know. 

Okay, so now it's 7:20ish and I have to get back home to wake Ethan who has to be at school between 8:05 and 8:35am.  I walked to his bed and picked him up out of bed and hugged him and whispered in his ear that it was time to get up.  He turned his head, breathed his glorious morning breath into my face, and smiled. lol.  He hugged me back and told me he was so excited.  We got him dressed, flattened down his bed hair a little, and poured him a bowl of cereal.  He ate a couple bites and then told me he didn't feel good.  He had turned sheet white and looked like he was about to hurl.  I asked if he was okay and he told me yes, but he really didn't look to hot.  He brushed his teeth and we made his lunch...and then I drove him to the school.  He got out of the car, with the color back in his face, and gave me an scarey and devious look...

And then I told him he better be good, and he looked at me and said he was going to make good choices.  That's something that we drill into him...cause even though he can look very sweet, he can be surprisingly calculating.  Anyway, he gave me a nice smile, I snapped a picture and felt better about letting him go.

After dropping the kids...I had to zip over to the college to try and secure a strategic parking spot between the two buildings where I had class.  I got there, got a spot and then relaxed in my car with the windows down for about 25 minutes until class time.  I took a deep breath and then walked into accounting...

...and after a 9-3:30 day of classes for me, I zipped to my mom's house where the kids are dropped/walk to...and found Torey sitting at the computer.  I hugged her and asked her how her day went.  She hates her locker, she was late to every class because her locker wouldn't open.  The teachers give the 6th graders a little leeway because of the locker sitch, but she had to have a teacher open her locker everytime she needed something.  She was frustrated.  Funny thing is that she didn't have any problems the night before at the open house.  But other than that, she had a good day.  She liked her classes and didn't really have any other issues.  Wish I could say the same for my Ethan boy.

Last year, Ethan's classroom had a bathroom in it, which worked great because Ethan has bathroom issues.  He can go by himself, but he goes often and can clog a toilet like any grown man. lol.  His 1st grade classroom this year doesn't have a bathroom in it and he wasn't used to that, to make a long story short, he had bathroom problems 3 times during school.  Poor guy also had to go right before school let out and ended up being in the bathroom for a half hour, worrying everyone to death because he didn't walk to grandma's like his usual routine.  I frantically found him in the bathroom at the school...crying...and afraid that he was going to be in trouble.  Needless to say, when I woke him up this morning...his first coherent words were...I don't want to go to school.  Poor guy.  I assured him that today would be better and then we got ready.  He dragged a little, but I think he'll be okay.

So...there we are.  First day of school.   (long relieved sigh)

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Everyone else is doing it...

So, now that it's 2010 and a lot of the people we know have blogs, and we follow some of our family members blogs, we decided that maybe it was time that we got one of our own.  So here we are, the Jason Johnson Family Blog now to be known as "Myoma Manor."  ha ha

We hope to be able to keep you up to date on our Moberly, MO happenings...good and bad, exciting and boring and so forth. 

We are just into the new school year, Jason started first, then me, and the kids will start on Tuesday.  We are a learning loving family.  Jason's goal is to graduate by July 2011 with a duel major in International Business and Marketing.  I will graduate with my AAS in Business & Office Technology w/emphasis in Executive.  I want to get the Medical emphasis too, but that'll take another semester and $$ so it might have to wait for a little bit.  Torey is starting Middle School.  Our little girl will be a sixth grader with a locker and everything.  Ethan is going into 1st grade, heaven help the teacher.  Let her be understanding and patient. (Shouldn't all first grade teachers be that way?)

Torey just celebrated her 12th birthday and a day later, her cousin Alea turned 14.  Alea likes adventure and so Jason and her have started a yearly tradition of "Pie Day" on Alea's birthday.  This was the 2nd Annual "pie day" birthday.  Jason and Alea line up to smash the pie's in each other's face, but watch what Alea did this year...

It was fun, but Jason wanted revenge and so pie #2 (they each get two pies) both went to Jason, which he promptly smashed on either side of Alea's head.  It was great fun.

Other than that, we are just waiting for the Fall TV shows to start back up, and sports, especially NFL football...Go Steelers!!! but also college football too. Notice the blog background is black and the title is goldish...that's what Jason's contribution to this blog's beginnings were... but it'll change...eventually.

See you back here again soon!  TTFN